Tuesday, May 20, 2014


If God can keep the galaxies and the universe in their right & proper places. Spinning. Glowing. Beautifying. Glorifying Him... Then who am I to feel I "have no purpose" "no direction" or clear "goals" for my life?
Walking down the road I can see the tops of trees for miles down to the town below.
Mountains, hills, waterfalls and the pines that stretch skyward.
"Lord the beauty, the attention, the detail You've created in this land!"
"Hannah, you are the beauty, the gem, the ruby. You are my prize among creation. I cherish you". 
Thank you, Lord. 
Overwhelmed-I walk home with a renewed realization of worth. 
No, pricelesness.


1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a beautifully articulated snapshot of our unmatched value and lovingly-orchestrated purpose in Christ! It's so important to take those macro-moments and appreciate the plan behind our micro-oriented lives. Thank you for the reminder that God treasures us. And for the glimpse of the intricately-designed beauty that proclaims His sovereignty.
