Quiet. Peace. A week of sophisticated (if not selfish) living.
This past week I had the rare opportunity of being the only human in our great
big house (and 26 acre surrounding woodlands).
To say I had a chance for self-exploration would be an understatement.
My father and I flew home from vacation a week before the rest of the family.
He had to work and I got to be secretary for a few days of the week.
Bittersweet. I'd miss them to be sure.
But selfishly...honestly, the thought of that great big space all to myself (at
least while dad was at work) sounded like bliss.
I'd relax, do some painting, reignite my love affair with books.
Then something happened.
Not a tragedy or a wonderful thing or any epic event really...
Just a switch in my head.
Someday I want to be married.
A wife.
And, I want to be a good one.
What a better place and time to practice being a servant-like, submissive,
honoring, helpful help-meet?
Granted my dad is well...my dad.
But I do love him. I love to bless him.
So why not?
Head down, mind prepared, apron donned.
I have a mission.
Let's do this.
And so my blissful week of relaxing and living like a 20-something in summertime
took a slightly different rout...
Chopping vegetables and marinating chicken in preparation for dinner while
listening to lectures & tutorials on YouTube and simultaneously getting the house scrubbed
clean, knowing I only have 20 minutes before I have to get in the shower and 40 before
I must be at work.
Staying up until 1:00AM doing laundry that I know needs doing before
tomorrow. (laughing at floating dust bunnies and the blanket on the bed because I'm so tired).
Never was there a more treasured week, one filled with more precious moments, or
one of greater satisfaction at the end of my days than this one.
I worked hard.
Physically and spiritually.
I was satisfied.
(tzatziki in the making)